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Network News • 07-13-2021

IATM TechFest Panel Discussion

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PKF International hosts its first panel discussion on the agenda of this year’s International Assurance and Tax Meeting and Technology Festival (IATM & TechFest).

The discussion, open to all PKF member firms, is taking place virtually on the 30th of June 2021 and will focus on the topic of ‘Firm’s Culture’. There will be specific discussion around the impact of a firm’s culture on its people, its technologies and its commitment to quality.

This event’s panellists, who will discuss their experience on measuring and managing firm culture, include; Director at W Consulting, Sarah Mackenzie, CEO and Co-founder at Inflo Software Mark Edmondson and Director, Audit and Chief Culture Officer at PKF Texas, Sonia Freeman.

Find out more about last year’s IATM & TechFest visit:

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